
Our academics management tools are designed to streamline and improve the management of academic operations in schools. With our tools, schools can easily track and manage attendance, automate the generation of report cards, publish marks to parents, manage homework, and publish circulars and other important information.

Our academics management tools are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for schools to use them effectively and efficiently. By using our tools, schools can save time and resources while improving the management of academic operations and supporting student success.

Student Attendance

Lyceum makes it easy for schools and colleges to manage student attendance and track attendance patterns. Our attendance management tool allows you to mark attendance on a day-by-day basis or by session, depending on your needs. You can also generate attendance reports and track the attendance of individual students, helping you identify and address any attendance issues.

If a student is absent, you can use our tool to notify their parents or guardians via SMS, WhatsApp, or through our Parents App. This helps ensure that parents are aware of their student's attendance and can take action if necessary.


Lyceum's gradebook takes the burden of manual report card writing and grade calculation off of teachers, allowing them to focus more on teaching. Our gradebook makes it easy to generate grades and report cards, and publishing report cards to students is just a click away. You can also use our gradebook to generate consolidated marks sheets and analyze student performance, helping you identify areas for improvement and support student success.


Lyceum makes it easy for teachers to assign and manage homework. Our homework management tool allows you to easily attach files and workbooks to homework assignments, ensuring that students have all the resources they need to complete their assignments.

Additionally, our tool sends reminders to students about homework submission deadlines, helping to ensure that assignments are completed on time. This not only helps students stay organized and on top of their work, but it also helps teachers manage and track homework assignments more effectively.

Diary & Circulars

Lyceum's Parents App makes it easy for schools to stay connected with parents and guardians and share important information and updates. With our app, you can send circulars or any other urgent alerts directly to the phones of parents and guardians, ensuring that they are always in the loop.

Our Parents App is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for parents and guardians to access and view important information and updates. By using our app, you'll be able to improve communication and engagement with parents and guardians, helping you build stronger relationships and support student success.

Calendar & Planner

Lyceum's calendar is a comprehensive tool that helps schools plan and manage their academic year. With our calendar, you can easily schedule and track events, holidays, parent-teacher meetings (PTMs), tests, and exams.

Our calendar ensures that all students are notified about upcoming events and activities in advance, helping to ensure that they don't miss anything important. You can also use our calendar to send reminders and updates to students and parents, helping to keep everyone informed and on track.